我們再也不必說再見,原文是We'll never have to say goodbye again,這首曲子也是England Dan & John Ford Coley二重唱的成名曲之一,不過當然無法跟I'd really love to see you tonight 與It’s sad to belong相比(這是我自己主觀的認定),但是這三首歌曲,都被我用Apple Music永久收藏了,自然也必須放進「蒼穹未央」裡,這樣才能一邊聽音樂一邊看著歌詞哼唱囉!有中文翻譯,也才知道唱些什麼吧!
We'll never have to say goodbye again 我們再也不必說再見
England Dan & John Ford Coley 英格蘭丹& 約翰福特柯里
Turn on the radio 打開收音機
We'll play it way down low 將音量調低
There's a tear in your eye that's reflecting the fire's glow 妳的眼裡有顆淚珠正映照著火光
And I wish that this night would never end 但願今夜永不結束
The sun ain't gonna be my friend 太陽不會來做朋友
Lying here awaiting here and wishing I knew when 躺在這兒等待,願我能夠知道何時:
*We'll never have to say goodbye again 我們再也不必說再見
We'll never have to say goodbye again 我們再也不必說再見
You must leave, I know you will 妳必須離去,我曉得妳一定會
I won't let you go until you show me the secret 但我不讓妳走,直到妳說出秘密:
For making this time stand still 讓這段時光靜止不動
And somewhere sometime from now 從現在起,不論何時何地
together again somehow 直到我們再相聚
All of the waiting will seem like a moment and then---( * )
讓所有的等待彷彿只是一瞬間,然後----( * )
The whole night afraid to see the light 整個夜晚都害怕見到陽光
And the whole day crying 整日的哭泣
Wishing I knew when ( * ) 願我能夠知道何時--( * )