
最近在YouTube上發現有人將80年代的歌曲,Billboard排行前100名匯成短輯,每首歌大約只有十秒鐘,上面也有文字敘述介紹該曲當年在排行榜上的紀錄⋯⋯我很久沒有買Apple Music了,聽完之後選了幾首歌曲購入,Against all odds便是其中的一首,此曲中文歌名翻譯為「克服重重困難」(再看我一眼),筆者將篇名簡化意譯為「克服萬難」,不過下面的介紹仍以《安德森之夢》為主,因為是原文引用,必須完全尊重。Against all odds是由Phil Collins主唱,他的歌曲膾炙人口的很多,這只是其中的一首⋯⋯我喜歡的其中一首。


Against all odds (Take a look at me now) Phil Collins     克服重重困難  ( 再看我一眼 )      菲爾柯林斯


How can I just let you walk away? 我怎能讓你就此離去?


Just let you leave without a trace讓你不留痕跡的離去


When I stand here taking every breath with you 當我佇立在此,與你一同呼吸


You're the only one who really knew me at all畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人




How can you just walk away from me? 你怎能就這樣離開我?


When all I can do is watch you leave當我只能眼睜睜的看著你離去


Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain,因為我們曾經一起分享歡笑、痛苦


and even shared the tears甚至分享淚水


You're the only one who really knew me at all畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人



So, take a look at me now那麼,再看我一眼吧


Cause there's just an empty space只因空中一片冷寂


And there's nothing left here 這兒已沒有留下什麼


to remind me just the memory of your face能讓我想起記憶中你的容顏


Take a look at me now此刻,再看我一眼


Cause there's just an empty space只因空中一片冷寂


And you coming back to me is against all odds要你再回我身邊,雖得克服重重困難


And that's what I've got to face那是我必須面對的



I wish I could just make you turn around 但願我能讓你回頭


Turn around and see me cry回過頭來看我在哭泣


There's so much I need to say to you有太多話想對你說


So many reasons why有太多的疑惑


You're the only one who really knew me at all畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人



So, take a look at me now 那麼,再看我一眼吧


Cause there's just an empty space只因空中一片冷寂


And there's nothing left here 這兒已沒有留下什麼


to remind me just the memory of your face能讓我想起記憶中你的容顏


Take a look at me now此刻,再看我一眼


Cause there's just an empty space只因空中一片冷寂


But to wait for you, well that's all I can do 但是,等你便是我唯一能做的


And that's what I've got to face也是我必須面對的


Take a good look at me now此刻,好好的看我一眼


Cause I'll still be standing here因為我將一直佇立在此


And you coming back to me is against all odds要你回我身邊,雖然得克服重重困難


That's the chance I've got to take卻是我唯一的機會



Just take a look at me now就看我一眼吧!







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