Another day in paradise by P.

Another Day in Paradise 就是Phil Collins講述現今社會人與人之間的冷漠與疏離,Phil Collins有感而發寫出此曲, 希望藉此喚起人們的愛心,關懷週遭的其他人,適時伸出援手,仔細探其歌詞,就可以明顯的感受的出作者的苦心。Phil Collins是一位來自英國的歌手,也是一位很受尊敬與肯定的資深音樂人,在全球擁有二億五千萬張的銷售記錄,更得過各大音樂獎項,樂迷無數,Phil Collins出生於 1951 年,在兒童時代即已參與音樂劇的演出,後來走入音樂圈。他原本是搖滾團體 「Genesis創世紀」的鼓手,之後成為樂團的主唱與靈魂人物。


Phil Collins也擅長多項樂器的演奏,很有創作的才華,自1981年他開始發行個人專輯,並且大受好評,不過長年的音樂生涯為他帶來了聽力受損的職業傷害,於是在2004年最後的告別巡迴演唱會之後,他就離開了舞台,鮮少再出席表演的活動。


Another Day in Paradise」一曲出自於1989年所發行的專輯「But Seriously,原本的歌名叫做「Homeless 無家可歸」,內容敘述的是Phil Collins個人的經驗。有一天他工作完畢離開錄音室的時候遇見了,一個帶著兩個孩子的女人,對方流落街頭走投無路,於是懇求他給點小錢。這是很多大城市的角落常常看到的情景,但是和很多人一樣Phil Collins當下覺得尷尬,不知道該怎麼做就轉身離開了,此事在他心裡盤踞不去,最後被他譜成了詞曲。



She calls out to the man on the street          她喊住街上那個男人,開口說:
"Sir, can you help me?                                      先生,請問你能幫我嗎?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep                  天氣很冷,我無處容身,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"          你能告訴我有哪裡可去嗎?

He walks on, doesn't look back                        他繼續走,沒有回頭
He pretends he can't hear her                        假裝根本沒聽到她說話
He starts to whistle as he crosses the street          他吹起口哨過馬路
seems embarrassed to be there                       卻難掩路過此地的尷尬

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for      想想啊,對你我來說
For you and me in paradise                              這不過是在天堂樂園的另一天
Oh, think twice, it's just another day            想想啊,對你我來說
For you, you and me in paradise                     這是在天堂樂園的另一天罷了
Just think about it                                              想想吧!

She calls out to the man on the street              她喊住街上的男人
He can see she's been cryin'                 他看得出來她在哭
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet          她腳底長了膿瘡
She can't walk but she's tryin'             無法走路,卻還是費力地走

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for      想想啊,對你我來說
For you and me in paradise                              這不過是在天堂樂園的另一天
Oh, think twice, it's just another day            想想啊,對你我來說
For you, you and me in paradise                     這是在天堂樂園的另一天罷了
Just think about it                                              想想吧!

Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do?  上帝啊,難道沒有人能做點什麼嗎?
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say        上帝啊,你一定有話要說吧!

You can tell from the lines on her face              從她臉上的皺紋
You can see that she's been there                     你看得出來她長期流落街頭
Probably been moved on from every place     也許她總是四處遷徙
'Cause she didn't fit in there                               因為找不到真正的容身之處

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for      想想啊,對你我來說
For you and me in paradise                              這不過是在天堂樂園的另一天
Oh, think twice, it's just another day            想想啊,對你我來說
For you, you and me in paradise                     這是在天堂樂園的另一天罷了
Just think about it                                              想想吧!

It's just another day                                              對你我來說
For you and me in paradise                                這不過是在天堂樂園的另一天
It's just another day                                              對你我來說
For you and me in paradise                                這是在天堂樂園的另一天罷了





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