還記得自己的父親,教你唱過的第一首曲子嗎?至少,我是知道的,就是這首「散塔露淇亞」,那時候我可能才六、七歲吧,父親先是吹著口琴讓我熟悉曲調,之後用清唱的方式教我歌詞,我依稀記得那是一本泛黃了的歌本,裡面還有平安夜(英文版)、送別、野玫瑰等等世界民謠,對父親的記憶少的可憐,但是能記得這一首「散塔露淇亞」,懷念他唱歌時候的神韻,沒辦法,他在我十四歲時就離開了人世,即使是在世的時光裡,每個月也見不到二次面,所以這「散塔露淇亞」對我的意義就更深了。Santa Rucia 是世界聞名的義大利拿波里民謠,Lucia是女神的名字。歌詞內容描述拿波里漁港的美麗景色,因旋律柔美,是威尼斯貢都拉的船夫喜歡吟唱的歌曲之一,歌詞亦被譯成許多不同語言流傳世界各地。
Santa Rucia,Sul ma re lu-cia, La-stro dar-gen-to
Pla-ci-dae I’on-da, Pro-spe-roeil ven-to ,Sul ma re lu-cia, La-stro dar-gen-to
Pla-ci-dae I’on-da, Pro-spe-roeil ven-to ,Ve-ni teal-la-gi-le, Bar-chet-ta mi-a
San-ta Lu-ci-a, San-ta Lu-ci-a,Con questo zeffino cosi soave
O com e bello star sulla nave,Con questo zeffino cosi soave
O com e bello star sulla nave,Su passeggeri Venite via
San-ta Lu-ci-a, San-ta Lu-ci-a
Santa Lucia
The silver star shines on the sea,
The waves are calm, the wind is favorable
Come to my quick little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!
With this west wind so gentle,
Oh, how wonderful it is to be at sea!
Come passengers, come away!
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Oh sweet Naples, oh blessed sun,
where creation wished to smile!
You are the command of harmony!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!
Now why do you delay? The evening is beautiful
A cool and light wind is blowing
Come to my quick little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!