Ticket to The Tropics這首曲子演唱者是Gerard Joling,本曲收錄在Love Is In Your Eyes的專輯裡,發行於1985年,筆者初次聽此曲風,就深深的被那種慵懶的藍調爵士風格給吸引住⋯⋯,來自荷蘭的傑洛裘林是八零年代末期在歐、亞兩地紅極一時的情歌王子,不過年長筆者六歲的傑洛裘林如今很自然的已經是位阿貝了,呵呵,但是他目前仍以歌手和電視節目主持人的身份活躍於荷蘭當地呢。最近,買了兩首藍調爵士曲風的西洋歌曲,都是八零年代的⋯⋯〈到熱帶的機票〉是第二首,第一首是前幾天發表的《調情聖手》,兩首風格接近,但是心靈感受仍是廻異⋯⋯。
Ticket to the tropics Gerard Joling 到熱帶的機票 傑洛裘林
Here I'm sitting and it's getting cold 我坐著,天氣逐漸變冷了
The morning rains against my window pane 清晨的雨水打在玻璃窗上
While the world it look so cold and gray 世界看起來寒冷而陰暗
In my mind I drift away 在心裡,我已遠颺
Then I'm on my way to tropic island 向著熱帶島嶼前行
You'd always said I was a dreamer 你常說我只會作夢
You were right 你說的沒錯
*Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics 我得買到一張到熱帶的機票
Forget our love and leave this place behind me 忘記愛情,遠離此地
Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics 我得買到一張到熱帶的機票
And prove myself that I can live without your love 證明自己沒有你的愛也能活下去
Here I'm sitting in the midnight glade 我坐在這片午夜的林地中
Sun is shining on my face again 陽光又照耀在我臉上
Think about the way it had to end 想著這段戀情怎會結束
Now I'm sitting here alone 我一個人坐著
And it's not the way we were together 不像我倆從前一樣
I want you to know I'm gonna miss you 我要你知道我會想念你
Miss you bad (*) 瘋狂的想念你